
Como limpiar vinilos con nuestro kit de limpieza

Como limpiar discos de vinilo como un verdadero...

Vale, déjame contarte algo que aprendí después de cargar con unos cuantos discos de vinilo de casa en casa. No es solo cuestión de coleccionar discos y tener la mejor...

Como limpiar discos de vinilo como un verdadero...

Vale, déjame contarte algo que aprendí después de cargar con unos cuantos discos de vinilo de casa en casa. No es solo cuestión de coleccionar discos y tener la mejor...

10 Consejos Esenciales para Cuidar tus Discos de Vinilo

10 Essential Tips for Caring for Your Vinyl Rec...

Listening to your collection of favorite vinyl records is incredibly rewarding . When you care for and organize your collection, from the equipment to the records themselves, the listening experience...

10 Essential Tips for Caring for Your Vinyl Rec...

Listening to your collection of favorite vinyl records is incredibly rewarding . When you care for and organize your collection, from the equipment to the records themselves, the listening experience...

¿Debo colgar vinilos en la pared? Consejos y consideraciones para decorar con vinilos

Should I hang vinyl on the wall? Tips and consi...

So, you have your record collection and an idea is floating around in your head: hang your vinyl records on the wall. Look what I'm going to tell you, this...

Should I hang vinyl on the wall? Tips and consi...

So, you have your record collection and an idea is floating around in your head: hang your vinyl records on the wall. Look what I'm going to tell you, this...

¿Cuánto mide la funda de un disco de vinilo?

How big is a vinyl record sleeve?

Look, vinyl records have made a huge comeback in recent years, and I'm not going to lie to you, I love it! Between the sound quality and the beauty of...

How big is a vinyl record sleeve?

Look, vinyl records have made a huge comeback in recent years, and I'm not going to lie to you, I love it! Between the sound quality and the beauty of...

cuándo hay que cambiar la aguja del tocadiscos

How do you know when to change your record play...

How do you know when to change your record player needle? Well, the needle on your record player is the key piece. Without a good needle, all that warm, magical...

How do you know when to change your record play...

How do you know when to change your record player needle? Well, the needle on your record player is the key piece. Without a good needle, all that warm, magical...

¿Cuántos minutos puede contener un disco LP por cara?

How many minutes can an LP record hold per side?

How many minutes can an LP record hold per side? I'll tell you, on a vinyl LP you can listen to between 20 and 30 minutes of music per side....

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How many minutes can an LP record hold per side?

How many minutes can an LP record hold per side? I'll tell you, on a vinyl LP you can listen to between 20 and 30 minutes of music per side....

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